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Extreme Cold expected in the Texas Hill Country through Wednesday at noon

Photo courtesy of the National Weather Service

Kerrville, TX – February 18, 2025 – The National Weather service has issued warnings that temperatures could dip down into the teens over the next few nights. Usually, around this time in February, we are met with one of last major freeze or ice storms of the season, with the worst in recent history occuring this week in February, 2021.

A hard freeze can do a number on your pipes if they aren’t insulated or kept at the right temperature. One of the worst feelings, is turning on the faucet only to hear silence. Make sure that your pipes are protected from the harsh temperatures expected throughout this week.

Tonight is expected to be the coldest. Some other things to think about this week and protect are people, pets, and plants. Make sure to bring your pets inside for sure, and either cover your plants and keep them above freezing or bring them inside to watch whatever Netflix show you decide to binge tonight with you. Just watch out for those venus fly traps. They’ll getcha every time.

Also, if you are using space heaters, make sure that you are using them safely.

Stay warm Texas Hill Country and always, stay safe. For Texas Breaking News focused on the entire Texas Hill Country, make sure to bookmark this page for the latest real-time Breaking News updates.

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