The victim’s daughter Delky Strickling said the family is learning to forgive and just wants the person to come forward.
The Cibolo school told KENS 5 earlier in the afternoon there was a “confirmation of a measles case.” The state says they haven’t heard that.
The intersection of FM 539 at Highway 97 East will be closed for another 2-3 hours. They are asking that you avoid the area.
The Collaborative Commission on Domestic Violence reported more than 17,000 people received non-residential crisis advocacy services in 2023.
The suspect was found to be in possession of a 9 mm firearm. He claimed self-defense but was subsequently arrested and charged with murder.
The San Antonio Fire Department says that the accident involved two vehicles, a semitruck and a truck.
SAPD said the man could’ve possibly been “suicidal, intoxicated or mentally ill” and got too close to the tracks and received injuries to his right arm...